
Unlocking the Secrets of Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration, Scope & ROI

We would like to invite you to “Why and How to Switch from Oracle to PostgreSQL” webinar. If you’re considering a migration, this is your opportunity to get a strategic roadmap that helps you reduce Oracle costs and unlock the full potential of Postgres. In this session, you’ll learn how to: Presenters:Mostafa Zakaria, Sales Engineer … Read more

Study and survey on the impact of Open Source Software and Hardware in the EU economy

Fraunhofer ISI and OpenForum Europe are conducting a study for the European Commission which shall investigate in detail the economic impact of Open Source Software (OSS) and Open Source Hardware (OSH) on the European economy. The study should identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of open source in relevant ICT policies. The Open Source impact … Read more

The integration of Hellenic Justice electronic services to eIDAS infrastructure is being implemented with open source tools through eThemisID

The European project eThemisID is being implemented by the Consortium consisting of the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), the Hellenic Council of the State, Uni Systems, Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS), and GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology. ICCS has been appointed as the … Read more

European Parliament strongly recommends any software developed by and for the EU institutions to be made publicly available under Free and Open Source Software licence

Brussels, 15/5/2020 – Yesterday, in plenary, the European Parliament endorsed a number of budgetary discharge reports, which include Pirate amendmentsurging EU institutions to predominantly use Open Source solutions. This success happened despite the joint effort of the EPP and ECR Groups to strike out these essential parts of the reports. In practice, from now on, all IT solutionsdeveloped by and for the EU institutions willfirst needto beassessed against the possibility of using Open Source solutions. Assessments will then have to be reported back … Read more

EUvsVirus Hackathon to develop innovative solutions

To complement hackathons taking place at global and member state level, the European Commission – in close collaboration with EU member states – will host a pan-European hackathon to connect civil society, innovators, partners and buyers across Europe to develop innovative solutions to coronavirus. The #EUvsVirus Hackathon will take place on 24, 25 and 26 … Read more

Partnership agreement between Open Forum Europe and GFOSS

Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS) and Open Forum Europe signed a partnership agreement in order to promote openness to policy makers at all levels of government across Europe. GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance and OFE have collaborated in many initiatives in recent years that promoted the ideals of free software and open government. OpenForum Europe (OFE) … Read more

Why freeing Windows 7 opens doors

Since its launch on January 24th, we’ve had an overwhelming amount of support in our call to “upcycle” Windows 7. Truthfully, the signature count flew far faster than we ever expected it to, even despite our conservative (if aptly numbered) goal of 7,777 signatures. We have seen the campaign called quixotic and even “completely delusional,” … Read more

Webinar: Introduction to the new OSOR and its Knowledge Centre

The Open Source Observatory (OSOR), part of the ISA² Sharing and reuse action, is glad to present the new structure of the OSOR collection and introduce the Knowledge Centre and its components. Considering your expertise on open source software, the European Commission cordially invites you to participate in this webinar called “Introduction to the new OSOR … Read more

13th Symposium and Summer School On Service-Oriented Computing

SummerSoC is a well-established summer school and symposium focusing on service-oriented computing. The area of service-oriented computing is interpreted quite broadly, i.e. areas of interest for SummerSoC include  cloud computing, microservice architecture, service orchestrations,  service meshes, blockchains, Internet of Things, theoretical foundations of these subjects, and applications in/of all these areas, especially applications dealing with big/smart … Read more