The Hellenic Council of State, the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology, the Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS) and Uni Systems kindly invite you to the online presentation of the European project ethemisID.

ethemisID has been implemented to extend the possibility of direct and easy access to the Hellenic Administrative Justice electronic services to EU lawyers, citizens and legal entities.
On Monday 28 June at 11:00 CET we invite you to join us in the online presentation of the project, during which you will have the opportunity to learn more about ethemisID implementation and its benefits.
- ® ethemisID: Presentation of the project
- loannis Konstantinou, Assistant Professor, University of Thessaly and Senior Researcher, ICCS, Technical
Coordinator ethemisID
- loannis Konstantinou, Assistant Professor, University of Thessaly and Senior Researcher, ICCS, Technical
- @ Main benefits for the ethemisID application users through a brief presentation of the legal framework
- Konstantina Skoura, Associate Councilor of the Hellenic Council of State
Olga Papanikolaou, Assistant Judge of the Hellenic Council of State
- Konstantina Skoura, Associate Councilor of the Hellenic Council of State
- @ ethemisID app presentation and demo
- Sarantos Michalarias, Senior Software Engineer, Uni Systems