
Open Source Software Country Intelligence

The open source software country intelligence aims to provide insights on all EU Member States in the domain of open source software policies and initiatives. The country intelligence reports and their respective factsheets are published as part of the Open Source Observatory (OSOR) project of the ISA² Programme.  The country intelligence will be presented in two formats: a … Read more

German armed forces testing open source chat

The Bundeswehr, Germany’s unified armed forces, is testing the use of Matrix, a secure open source chat software solution, the federal defence ministry told the German parliament in December. According to the ministry, the software could potentially be used not only by the armed forces but also by other government departments. The use of Matrix … Read more

Why freeing Windows 7 opens doors

Since its launch on January 24th, we’ve had an overwhelming amount of support in our call to “upcycle” Windows 7. Truthfully, the signature count flew far faster than we ever expected it to, even despite our conservative (if aptly numbered) goal of 7,777 signatures. We have seen the campaign called quixotic and even “completely delusional,” … Read more

Geographies of AI: Residency Open Call

Onassis Stegi invites professional artists and researchers who work with Artificial Intelligence to explore the question of the boundaries between data science, urban design and art, through the residency program “AI Georgraphies”. Onassis Stegi is initiating the “Geographies of ΑΙ” program to explore the question of Artificial Intelligence (AI) geographies, by inviting residency applications that … Read more

Webinar: Introduction to the new OSOR and its Knowledge Centre

The Open Source Observatory (OSOR), part of the ISA² Sharing and reuse action, is glad to present the new structure of the OSOR collection and introduce the Knowledge Centre and its components. Considering your expertise on open source software, the European Commission cordially invites you to participate in this webinar called “Introduction to the new OSOR … Read more

Raspberry Shake the personal seismograph…

Raspberry Shake is probably the smallest seismograph of its caliber in existence, but don’t let its size fool you.  It can record earthquakes of all magnitudes.  From the vanishingly small blips that are imperceptible to human senses, to the big destructive earthquakes that regularly happen around the world. While the Earth shakes, other exciting activities … Read more

Creativity in the Countryside: How Art and Tech are Revitalizing Epirus

Tzoumerka is made of stone. Not just the towering peaks of this mountainous area, formed by nature and geography over millennia, but almost everything made by human hands — the walls, town squares, bridges and buildings — has been crafted from the local stone. It creates quite an impression: permanence, timelessness and a resistance to … Read more

Linux App Summit 2019 and Sugar Learning Tools

Last week I traveled to Barcelona, Spain to attend the Linux App Summit. For the first time, GNOME and KDE co-hosted this event to bring together everyone involved in the Linux application ecosystem. The summit was packed with a diverse audience from all over the desktop community and the world. Being there and being part of what is coming for … Read more

Democracy and Digital: The Need for a New Social Contract

The transformative impact of digital technologies on our daily life implies the need for a new social charter between the state and its citizens. Today’s world: in the midst of a digital revolution Since the invention of the printing press, the relationship between governments, administrations, and citizens has been paper-based, characterised by static, standardised interfaces. … Read more