
Study and survey on the impact of Open Source Software and Hardware in the EU economy

Fraunhofer ISI and OpenForum Europe are conducting a study for the European Commission which shall investigate in detail the economic impact of Open Source Software (OSS) and Open Source Hardware (OSH) on the European economy. The study should identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of open source in relevant ICT policies. The Open Source impact … Read more

Are you a content creator? Join UNICEF’s first Youth Mediathon!

In the wake of COVID-19, young people -just like you-  are feeling like they’re no longer in control of their futures. From disrupted schooling, to increased anxiety, to the challenges of finding your first job and standing up for a more sustainable planet. It is normal to be uncertain about your next steps in life.  … Read more

Free Software is More Reliable!

Apologists for proprietary software like to say, “free software is a nice dream, but we all know that only the proprietary system can produce reliable products. A bunch of hackers just can’t do this.” Empirical evidence disagrees, however; scientific tests, described below, have found GNU software to be more reliable than comparable proprietary software. This … Read more

The integration of Hellenic Justice electronic services to eIDAS infrastructure is being implemented with open source tools through eThemisID

The European project eThemisID is being implemented by the Consortium consisting of the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), the Hellenic Council of the State, Uni Systems, Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS), and GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology. ICCS has been appointed as the … Read more

The Critical Role of Open Source and Open Standards on the Road to Secure and Robust Healthcare

FIWARE is known for its ability and speed to address urgent challenges and the needs of society, companies, and public administrations. The need for ready-to-use solutions, based on Open Source and open standards principles – to help automate data sharing – continues to grow rapidly. This has, once again, become evident during the current COVID-19 … Read more

Join the FSF for an online birthday celebration on Friday, October 9th

Thirty-five years after the founding of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), its mission is more important than ever, and the organization has grown to fill that need, with multiple departments attending to crucial education, advocacy, and enforcement. Our Campaigns Team sounds the alarm about freedom-restricting developments and creates educational materials to bring more free software … Read more

13th conference FOSSCOMM 2020 – November 21–22, 2020 – Call for Presentations

The Free and Open Source Software Communities Meeting or otherwise FOSSCOMM aims at all Free and Open Source Software enthusiasts, regardless of the knowledge level that they own at this field. From the first conference held in 2008 at the National Technical University of Athens until today, the conference’s aspiration is to showcase the usefulness … Read more

Stakeholder Consultation on the Role of Open Source Software (OSS) and Open Source Hardware (OSH)

Rationale Today, virtually all software products include Open Source Software components. An increasingly large percentage of crucial software platforms and programs are entirely Open Source. The development and uptake of Open Source Hardware and Open Silicon are growing. The impact of this paradigm shift from proprietary systems to more open, collaborative frameworks is being studied … Read more

Matrix/Element/Jitsi Homeserver Installation at GFOSS

In this article, we will present a guide on how to set up a Matrix, Element and Jitsi Homeserver, as well as why you should want to. But first, let’s see what those are. This article has been based on the experience gained from installing Matrix/Element/Jitsi server for internal use in Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS). … Read more

+Resilient Pilot Actions

+RESILIENT puts together a 4-helix partnership of 8 MED countries to tackle the need for innovation conducive to increased socially-responsive competitiveness of SMEs & stimulate new jobs, especially for companies operating in the social economy. It aims to kickstart a process of policy change at regional level in the involved areas resulting in the integration … Read more