
The Greek Scientix Conference successfully completed

The Greek Scientix Conference for STEM training was successfully completed, the conference was organized by the Open Technologies Alliance(GFOSS), the National Association of Managers of the Natural Science Laboratories (panekfe) and the European SchoolNet on 3-4 September 2018 at the National Technical University of Athens, in the Zografou campus. In the conference 857 participants registered … Read more

Finland’s open code repository now includes municipalities

Municipalities in Finland should now find it easier to discover reusable, open source ICT solutions. A list of available solutions is available on the Avoinkoodi (“Open Code”) portal, managed by COSS, the country’s open source resource centre. To promote sharing and reuse of open source solutions, the centre is working with Kuntaliitto, the Association of … Read more

10 GFOSS projects in Google Summer of Code 2018 have been successfully completed

On August 2018, the third and final evaluation of the GFOSS projects in Google Summer of Code 2018 was completed, all 10 GFOSS projects have been successfull. GSoC offers every year to students from around the world the opportunity to contribute to an open source project, and to learn how to work in a software … Read more

ODEON: Open Data for European Open iNnovation

ODEON project addresses the exploitation of Open Data and aims at strengthening the relationship between digital agenda, e-government strategy, the Open Data (OD) platforms implemented at several levels and the availability of Open Data to support innovation processes within Interreg Mediterranean Area. It will focus on the quality of the data made available by public … Read more

3 Projects That Show How Cities Can Use Technology as a Force for Good – #smartcities

Platforms enabled by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), like Uber and Airbnb, are increasingly being seen as looters by cities. They are like Death Stars, extracting great swaths of value from local communities only to transfer that wealth elsewhere. Indeed, it would seem that the original ideas of sharing and peer-to-peer collaboration have been co-opted … Read more

#Open #source goes #space, a two days workshop

Open source software (OSS) is used virtually everywhere and open source hardware (OSHW) is getting more and more popular as well. Then why not apply the philosophy of open source to space? The Open Source Cubesat Workshop (OSCW) was created exactly for that: to promote the open source philosophy for CubeSat missions and further. Its … Read more

A web #framework for building #virtual #reality experiences

Mixed Reality & VR   Build immersive virtual worlds with a few lines of code. Reach an audience of millions using open standards. Craft virtual reality (VR) experiences for mobile devices everywhere. Mozilla leads VR technologies and standards on the web.   WebVR API WebVR is an open-source JavaScript API for creating VR experiences in … Read more

10,000 EUR to co-fund up to three #creative #projects for secondary #education

Does your creative project need funding? Can you harness the power of the crowd to deliver educational outcomes from the re-use of Europe’s rich cultural heritage content? In collaboration with the crowdfunding platform Goteo, today we launch a match funding call offering 10,000 EUR to co-fund up to three creative projects for secondary education. The … Read more