
10 GFOSS projects in Google Summer of Code 2018 have been successfully completed

On August 2018, the third and final evaluation of the GFOSS projects in Google Summer of Code 2018 was completed, all 10 GFOSS projects have been successfull. GSoC offers every year to students from around the world the opportunity to contribute to an open source project, and to learn how to work in a software … Read more

Why we should start taxing the robots that are taking human jobs

This post is also available in: Greek (Image by Shutterstock via The Conversation) Ryan Abbott, University of Surrey and Bret Bogenschneider, University of Surrey  for The Conversation Automation promises to be one of the great social challenges of our generation. The fear that robots will steal our jobs is an old one. But it’s being felt … Read more

3 Projects That Show How Cities Can Use Technology as a Force for Good – #smartcities

Platforms enabled by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), like Uber and Airbnb, are increasingly being seen as looters by cities. They are like Death Stars, extracting great swaths of value from local communities only to transfer that wealth elsewhere. Indeed, it would seem that the original ideas of sharing and peer-to-peer collaboration have been co-opted … Read more

Join EU Code Week and organise #codeEU events

Register you event here Download the complete #codeEU Toolkit in PDF #codeEU toolkit What is EU Code Week? EU Code Week is a grass-root movement run by volunteers who promote coding in their countries as Code Week Ambassadors. Anyone – schools, teachers, libraries, code clubs, businesses, public authorities – can organise a #CodeEU event and … Read more

#Open #source goes #space, a two days workshop

Open source software (OSS) is used virtually everywhere and open source hardware (OSHW) is getting more and more popular as well. Then why not apply the philosophy of open source to space? The Open Source Cubesat Workshop (OSCW) was created exactly for that: to promote the open source philosophy for CubeSat missions and further. Its … Read more

#Coding #workshops: building #robots, self-esteem and new #friendships

Teacher George Kalewis slams his hands on the table, and a little orange robot car nudges forward. We are in Athens, and a group of young people has just coded the robot’s sensors to react to sounds. “Good work! Next, we’re going to code the robot car to detect a black line and to follow … Read more

Library Of Congress Offers 25 Million Free Records of Bibliographic Metadata

The Library of Congress announced today that it is making 25 million records in its online catalog available for free bulk download at This is the largest release of digital records in the Library’s history. The records also will be easily accessible at, the open-government website hosted by the General Services Administration (GSA). … Read more

#Sugarizer: Bringing #OLPC’s #Software to Any Device

OLPC France ( ), a volunteer driven association, has just released a new version of the Sugarizer platform. Sugarizer allows the Sugar Learning Software to be used on any device. More precisely, Sugarizer is a port of Sugar – the open source learning platform distributed on the XO laptops – in web technologies. You can run … Read more

#OERcamp17 – Open Educational Resources

The OERcamp 2017 has taken place in Germany in four cities: Munich, Cologne, Hamburg and Berlin. Kurt Junghanns (InfAI) participated in Cologne (13th and 14th May) and Roy Meissner (InfAI) participated in Hamburg (23th and 24th June). Both presented SlideWiki as as project and software in form of a workshop.     Making und OER … Read more