
How 17 #French #ministries joined forces to support #free #software

Seventeen French government ministries are working together to support free software through an agreement designed to reduce costs and advance the use of free software in administrations. The support contract operates through a ticketing system. It includes a detailed classification of software, and a schedule for the reduction of support costs based on the popularity … Read more

Voters deserve a continued commitment to a modern and #open #government

No matter who wins the 2016 election, they must display a commitment to an open government. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons) Last month, we shared our thoughts on the issue of money in politics and posed six questions for those running for president in 2016. Since then, we’ve been happy to see several campaigns release plans … Read more

#OpenDesign – A modular #Laboratory #Desk

OpenDeskLab( ) aims at creating an open design for laboratory desks that is Modular structure Reconfigurable dimensions Safe Easy to build Low cost Highly functional The material used for the structure of is mostly melamine boards, that can be precut by any CNC supplier to the given dimensions. The assembly of an OpenDeskLab is designed … Read more

Building Management System based on OpenHab

We are witnessing the beginning of the IoT revolution. We use smartphones, numerous gadgets and sensors in our everyday life, providing us with unimaginable information, insights and benefits. We have smart phones, smart wearables, smart cars, smart almost everything; yet buildings remain “dumb” especially in reference to energy efficiency. Enterprises today more than ever require … Read more

Indian Government adopts open source – #egov #opengov #OGP

In a historic decision, the Indian Government has adopted open source for its public offices. With acclaimed Indian organizations like C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing) and IIT Chennai working on Debian based distro BOSS Linux and states like Tamil Nadu already advocating open source for a while, this was inevitable. The policy has been … Read more

#European #Open Educational Resources Policy Project #gredu

“Open Educational Resources Policy in Europe” is a project that brings together a coalition of international experts to strengthen the implementation of open education policies across Europe. It aims to take advantage of the current high profile of open education in Europe, demonstrated by developments such as the explicit mention of Open Educational Resources (OER) … Read more

Adult #Education and #OER: conclusions and policy recommendations for #Europe

This posting deals with the conclusions and policy recommendations from the Adult Education and Open Educational Resources study for the European Parliament, a 140-page “Study”, written by Sero, released on 15 October 2015. The Study reviews the current use of Open Educational Resources in Adult Education in Europe (with a focus on Member States of the European Union), … Read more