13-14 MAY, 2020, INNOPOLIS, RUSSIA, To be held fully online

OSS 2020 Promo About OSS
2020 will be a forum to discuss theories, practices, experiences, and
tools on development and applications of OSS systems, with specific
focus on two aspects:
(a) the development of open source systems and the underlying technical, social, and economics issue
(b) the adoption of OSS solutions and the implications of such adoption both in the public and private sectors.
The conference is also meant to provide information and education to practitioners, identify directions for further research, and to be an ongoing platform for technology transfer. Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
- Foundations and rationale of FLOSS
- FLOSS development communities
- Tools and infrastructures for FLOSS
- Development FLOSS and eGovernment
- FLOSS and Open Knowledge
- Knowledge management in FLOSS
- Business models and FLOSS
- Impact of FLOSS on social networks
- Documentation of FLOSS
- Cost and economic models of FLOSS
- FLOSS and Agile Methodologies
- FLOSS and DevOps
- FLOSS scalability issues
- FLOSS education and training
- Introduction of FLOSS in companies and Public Administrations
- Empirical analysis of FLOSS
- FLOSS case studies and experiments
- Licensing issues in FLOS
- Software engineering aspects, human factors, and other aspects of FLOSS