
ethemisID: European citizens’ access to Hellenic Administrative Justice e-Services : 28/06/2021 @11:00

The Hellenic Council of State, the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology, the Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS) and Uni Systems kindly invite you to the online presentation of the European project ethemisID. ethemisID has been implemented to extend the possibility of direct and easy access to … Read more

The integration of Hellenic Justice electronic services to eIDAS infrastructure is being implemented with open source tools through eThemisID

The European project eThemisID is being implemented by the Consortium consisting of the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), the Hellenic Council of the State, Uni Systems, Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS), and GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology. ICCS has been appointed as the … Read more