eduMEET (COVID-19 beta version) is an Open Source web-conferencing service from GÉANT portfolio. It is an interactive, web-based videoconferencing platform, supporting distant learning processes, including audio-video communication, chat, screen and file sharing.
Created by our community for our community. Trustworthy, self-hosted, secure. Integrated with community owned STUN/TURN service. Keeping traffic inside community networks. All this makes eduMEET safe and cost effective alternative to commercial solutions.
Currently in beta stage, after successful reaching PLM gate and security reviews. Nevertheless crisis situation was a trigger to use it already now in extremely wide scale for urgent purposes. All feedback will be more then appreciated and would allow dynamic reaction in case of support requirements.
1.1 eduMEET service requirements:
Min. configuration of VM / server
- typical modern CPU (8 cores)
- RAM: ~ 8 GB
- HDD: ~ 100GB
- 1 network adapter (1Gb/s)
- OS: Ubuntu / Debian
- public IP address (without any NAT)
- domain name assigned (for certificates)
With this minimum configuration the eduMEET service is able to handle up to ~600 concurrent users.
1.2 eduMEET softwareinstallation
Before you start the installation please request LTC STUN/TURN credentials for your eduMEET instances
There are two recommended ways of installations:
1) Ansible installation
- GitHub repository: https://github.com/misi/mm-ansible
- Video tutorial (step-by-step terminal recording) : https://asciinema.org/a/311365
2) Direct docker image installation
- GitHub repository: https://github.com/misi/mm/tree/dev
- DockerHub repository: https://hub.docker.com/r/misi/mm/
2. eduTURNinstallation
2.1 eduTURN description
eduTURN is community owned and managed STUN/TURN service, based on open source coturn.
It is not a must have service, but very helpful for overcoming NAT,
firewall and packets filtering issues (because of which about 30% of
connections can fail). There are 10 nodes in Europe already now, but –
the more, the better. Moreover – it’s good to have a node close to VC
2.2 eduTURN service requirements
Two medium class virtual or physical machines!
Reason: 2 authentication types are supported:
- Long Term Credential
Both of them can not be implemented in one service (they conflicts because REST reuse TURN username/password part in a different way).
Min. configuration of each server:
- typical CPU (2-4 cores)
- RAM: ~ 8GB
- HDD: ~ 100GB
- at least 1, (or better 2) network adapters
- OS – stable Debian 8
Additional requirements:
- at least 1, (or better 2) public global IPv4 addresses,
- at least 1 (or better 2) IPv6 addresses,
- DNS resolvers: 2x IPv4 and 2x IPv6,
- and the host FQDN.
2.3 eduTURN software installation
- GitHub repository: https://coturn.net
Source of this article: https://edumeet.org/build/