Sir Tim Berners-Lee, recipient of the 2016 ACM A.M. Turing Award, is urging support for net neutrality, Credit: Henry Thomas
Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world wide web, joined in on Wednesday’s online net neutrality demonstration, urging people to show support for the Federal Communications Commission rules that are likely to be repealed.
“If we lose net neutrality, we lose the internet as we know it,” Berners-Lee said in a video posted by the World Wide Web Foundation on Wednesday.
Dozens of websites are showing support for the FCC’s net neutrality rules during the online “day of action” Wednesday.FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has started a proceeding to repeal the regulations, which prohibit internet service providers from blocking or slowing content to certain sites, or from creating paid “fast lanes.” Pai’s proposal is currently open to public comment at the FCC.
Berners-Lee has been an outspoken supporter of the net neutrality rules, and was active in opposing Republicans’ repeal of FCC internet privacy rules earlier this year.
Source of this article: https://cacm.acm.org