Nominate any individuals or organisations now at https://go.mydata.org/nominate!
Self-nominations are allowed and encouraged.
You may make as many nominations as you like.
Hello to all members, interested people and the wider MyData community. Following our launch event in June (recording here if you missed it), we are pleased to announce that our brand new award programme is now open for nominations.
Full details of the award programme are available at https://www.mydata.org/awards but here’s a few key facts:
The new expanded MyData Awards programme seeks to progress the MyData vision and grow the MyData movement by recognising individuals and organisations (including many who are not already aware of or involved in MyData) who are making it happen — in business, technology, in governance or through thought leadership. The awards recognise the execution of specific work by individuals or organisations.
Anyone can nominate any individual or organisation for the Awards, including themselves or their own organisation. We encourage you to make multiple nominations where you are aware of multiple suitable candidates.
Successful awardees will be welcomed into the MyData organisation if they are not already a member, with a special MyData award logo to celebrate and prove their achievement.
To make a nomination, please complete the form at https://go.mydata.org/nominate.
You can review the application guide at https://go.mydata.org/nomination-guide which shows the questions in advance so you can prepare.
The key things you will need to supply are:
- Basic information about your nominated individual or organisation, including contact details, website, geographic and domain focus, and the type of work they do.
- A choice as to which category or categories you wish to nominate them for (these are detailed in the guide and on the website, and you can pick 1 to 4 categories:
- Technology
- Business
- Governance
- Thought Leadership
- A choice as to which ones of the criteria (which come from our Declaration) the nominee has contributed to:
- More actionable data rights
- Data empowerment of individuals
- Moving from closed to open ecosystems
- Human-centric control (of data/digital life)
- Individual holistic integration
- Portability (of data, and of data relationships)
- Transparency and Understanding of data usage
- Accountability of data holders and data processors
- Interoperability of personal data and personal data ecosystems
- For each chosen award category, in max 1000 characters (for each category applied for, this should be prepared in a separate PDF):
- Details of the nominee’s achievement, the work they have done in this category, and its impact – making reference to the criteria chosen.
- Evidence of the impact or progress resulting from their work – this should be as objective as possible, such as independent metrics or press coverage, contextualised to the selected category and with reference to the criteria chosen. This can be zipped up with your PDF and attached to the form
The nomination window is open until 30 Sep 2024. After this, applications will be screened by staff and candidate nominees will be evaluated and decided by the MyData community over October and November, with winners being notified in December and awarded at an event in January.
As a reminder, nominees do NOT need to be MyData members; however if selected they will need to join in order to receive their award.
If you have any questions please come to #awards on https://mydataglobal.slack.com, or contact Alex Bowyer, MyData Senior Technical Specialist, on alex.bowyer@mydata.org (e-mail or Slack)
We look forward to receiving your nominations to help us find and celebrate all those who are doing excellent work to build a better, more human-centric future. Please share https://mydata.org/awards on your social media with anyone who might be interested.
Nominations are now open!