Odeon project – Open Data for European Open iNnovation – which started two and a half years ago, is about to end (on 31 December 2020).

The Interreg Mediterranean programme, approved in 2017 Odeon project presented by the Veneto Region with an important partnership made up of Padua Chamber of Commerce , Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Hamag Bicro – Croatian Agency for the Innovation of SMEs, Technology Park of Ljubljana (Slovenia), GFOSS – Greek Free Open Source Software Society and the Region of Crete (Greece), SARGA – Company for the economic development of the government of Aragon and the KIMF foundation of Barcelona (Spain), AVITEM – Agency for the sustainability of the Mediterranean ecosystem (France).
The project aimed at the promotion, publication, dissemination, use and reuse of Open Data and Linked Open Data (OD and LOD) for the development of new products and services for businesses and citizens. Odeon’s key action was the establishment of Regional Data Hubs in each of the participating countries, which contributed to a European Data Cluster made up of small and medium-sized enterprises, startups, civic hackers, research institutions capable of developing the economic and social value of Open data.

The regional Data HUBs develop activities for the dissemination of knowledge and the possibilities of exploitation of OD and LOD, responded to the emerging needs reported by stakeholders, and offered specialized support for the exploitation of OD for services to companies and institutions.
Since the end of February, due to Covid-19, all activities migrated online. Like the hackathon, the events, training courses and coaching to encourage the dissemination of open data. There were also several online study visits, among them in October a transnational study visit, organized by the Padua Chamber of Commerce, Montenegro Chamber of Economy, Ljubljana Science Park (Slovenia) and Hamag Bicro (Croatia). An opportunity that involved over 60 high-level companies from the 4 countries involved.

During the project the partnership set up a specific platform to hosts open data freely available: OpenDataHubs.eu is targeted at individuals or groups of people from different scientific fields and thematic areas, aiming at exploiting open data according to their needs and intentions. In addition to data publishers who upload, update and manage data sets, the platform is targeting researchers, business people, students, national or international organizations, start-ups, government agencies, websites, applications, and
anyone interested in making use of open data sets for the development of added-value products and services. https://opendatahubs.eu/

In order to resume all the goals achieved and discuss about the importance of Open Data also in this particular period of pandemia, all the partners will meet in the final conference foreseen for 17.12.2020,
This event will be an opportunity to exchange data with data players from the 7 partner countries (Croatia,Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Slovenia), within an event conceived in two phases. First of all, a series of thematic interventions:
- the European strategy and its roadmap for open data
- a case study on entrepreneurship based on open data
- open data in the context of the Covid-19 emergency
- the horizontal project TALIA and the social and creative community in the Mediterranean
Secondly, a presentation of the ODEON project and its results, followed by a round table with all project partners at European level.Link for the agenda